About Me

I am a 4th-year Ph.D. candidate in the Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies at Peking University. My advisor is Dr. Yunzhe Liu. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Hongyi Honor College at Wuhan University, China.

Previously, I was a visiting student at Tsinghua University, advised by Dr. Bin Liu, National Institute of Biological Sciences, advised by Dr. Minmin Luo, Peking University, advised by Dr. Si Wu.

Research Interests

My research interests lie on computational neuroscience and brain decoding.

I utilize the quantitative and computational thinking to understand our brain better. Specifically, I bind computations of artificial and brain networks to understand the hippocampal-cortical interaction, e.g. replay.

I also use machine learning tools to understand neural code. Specifically, I use advanced deep learning methods to decode brain recordings, e.g., EEG, MEG, sEEG.

Drop me a line if you are also interested in computational neuroscience, or brain decoding research!


  • [09/2024] One paper accepted to NeurIPS for a poster presentation.
  • [09/2021] Start my Ph.D. @ Peking University, China, highly excited about the study life!
  • [06/2021] I graduated from Wuhan University.
  • [04/2021] I’m an Outstanding Graduate (12 out of 127, 10%) of Wuhan University.
  • [12/2020] One paper accepted to INFOCOM for a poster presentation.
  • [09/2020] I’ve decided to pursue my Ph.D. degree in the AAIS of PKU, and will spend the next 5 wonderful years in Beijing. Go PKU!
  • [08/2020] One paper accepted to ICPR for a poster presentation.
  • [12/2019] The team I advise wins 2nd-Prize in National FPGA Innovation Design Competition. Congrats to Yunzhe Li and He Zhu!
  • [10/2019] The team I advise wins 2nd-Prize in National Intelligent Robot Fighting Competition. Congrats to Hao Li, Guanya Zhou and Shuaibo Cheng!

Awards & Honors

  • Outstanding Graduate (12 out of 127, 10%), Wuhan University, 2021
  • National Scholarship, Wuhan University, 2020
  • Excellent Student Scholarship (Rank: 1/32), Wuhan University, 2020
  • National Second Prize of FPGA Innovation Design Competition, China, 2019
  • National Second Prize of Intelligent Robot Fighting Competition, China, 2019
  • Excellent Student Scholarship (Rank: 4/32), Wuhan University, 2019
  • Excellent Student Scholarship (Rank: 8/32), Wuhan University, 2018
  • Freshman Scholarship, Wuhan University, 2017


  • I’m a basketball fan (of Warriors!).
  • I learned and mastered violin. But I haven’t played it for years.
  • I am a born collaborator. I like working and performing with different people.
  • I love the beauty of math, the exploration in the platonic world, the highest intellectual product of human mind. Cheers~
  • I am a nostalgist in technology, a martinet in behavior, a misanthrope in society, an ascetic in spirit, a logical positivist in philosophy, a learner in lifetime.